Shea Butter

Shea Butter is an incredibly nourishing skin superfood! We use USDA certified organic Unrefined Shea Butter from the Netherlands. Unrefined Shea Butter does have a stronger, earthy aroma. However, the unrefined product is the most nutrient dense giving skin all of the gifts that nature intended! You can find it in The Butter Balm and our Silk Whipped Body Butter.

Shea Butter is naturally rich in vitamins A and E.  It offers UV protection (it is SPF ~6) and provides the skin with essential fatty acids, the nutrients necessary for collagen production. Shea butter contains oleic, stearic, palmitic and linoleic acids that protect and nourish the skin to prevent drying. 

Shea Butter is also anti-inflammatory. Phytosterols and cinnamic acid reduce redness, irritation and help skin recover from wounds faster. It can be used to naturally soothe insect bites, rashes and sun burns and has long been used to soothe eczema. 

Unrefined shea butter is one of nature's best moisturizers. It has the ability to penetrate into your the deeper layers of skin, preventing loss of moisture. Shea is readily absorbed into the deeper layers of the skin and is non-comedogenic (does not clog pores). Nourishing and suitable for all skin types.